For the 50,000 euros in agricultural subsidies, 27 institutions have detailed their public assistants in Brussels, who may be an opponent.

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For the 50,000 euros in agricultural subsidies, 27 institutions have detailed their public assistants in Brussels, who may be an opponent.

The European Union has announced an association of schemes for the granting of small public aid to agriculture, and questions the subsidy ceiling that the institutions can use without informant Brussels.

The 27 affiliated members are allocated only 50,000 euros for an agricultural operation, without a notification form or the most advantageous price from the UE.

The doubling of the ceiling is being reversed by the sector and a series of European countries facing inflation.

For an amount of 50,000 euros, there are 27 details of public assistants in Brussels, who can provide the resistance.

Jusqu’ici, an amended legislation in 2019 entitles members of a Member State to 20,000 euros — see 25,000 euros under certain conditions — the subsidies (en-dehors desfonds européens de la PAC) for an agricultural exploitation in a three-period ans sans en informer la Commission, gardienne de la competition.

European regulations

“exempted the small farmers in the agricultural sector from the control of the state’s auxiliaries, who cannot allow their reputation to be prevented by the confluence and changes in their unique march”

explanation from the European Commission.

“Cette mesure permettra de répondre plus efficiency et rapidement aux crises recurrentes that cross agriculture”,

Arnaud Rousseau, president of the French agricultural syndicate, has filed a press statement.

Brussels proposes to strengthen the rules applicable to contracts between agricultural and agricultural companies, and

“faisant des contractes écrits une general obligation”


“and improving the way the contracts run in the longer term will compensate for the evolution of the march and the fluctuations of the costs”

an indication from the Commission.

Following the debut of vocational training in 2024, the European Commission has made the greatest effort to promote farmers’ signatures and to promote administrative simplification and the adaptation of certain environmental standards.

After the announcement of the finalization of an agreement on the change of freedom with the Latin American countries of Mercosur, a vague protest action was announced.

This agreement sends a

“message catastrophic for millions of European farmers”


“Exacerbera les pressions auxquelles sont soumises de nombreuses exploitations”

an organization of the European organization of multi-year agricultural syndicates, le Copa-Cogeca.

The agreement is ratified, through the approval of most states representing 65% of the EU’s population, and unites a majority in the European Parliament.

#Union Europeenne


#Help farmers


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